Environment and Climate

Aerial view of Khaipur Nathan Shah in September 2022. The city was completely cut off from the rest of Pakistan, leaving over 150,000 residents stranded in the city in a dire situation. Photo: Omar Hamed Beato
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Despite the floodwater receding, the echoes of Pakistan's 2022 floods still loom large in a country on life support, with around eight million Pakistanis now in need of urgent humanitarian assistance due to malnutrition and disease.
The long-term environmental toll of Israel's assault on Gaza
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Israel's bombing of Gaza has decimated its land, people, and environment. Even if a political solution is found, the environmental degradation caused by Israel is likely to take lifetimes to remedy or cause the slow death of Gaza's biosphere.
Features - COP28 Day 1
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Around the world, 2023 has served as a stark reminder of the destructive force of climate change. Can the UN climate summit in Dubai serve as a decisive call to action?
4 Arab countries are among the largest global fossil fuel contibutors
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Published days before COP28 in the UAE, a report has charged four Arab states as being in the world's top 20 fossil-fuel contributors. Despite calls to divest from fossil fuel and invest in renewable energy, the world continues to ignore our pleas.
Water scarcity
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The climate-changed world – with dwindling water supply and inadequate water services – is also changing children, altering their mental and physical health, a new report warns.
How Israel funds environmental terrorism in the West Bank
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The Israeli occupation has emboldened settlers to run riot across the West Bank. Terrorising land, crops, and livestock, settlers are destroying the lives and livelihoods of Palestinians living under Israeli occupation, further entrenching apartheid.
How child refugees can help solve the climate crisis
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Countries plagued by violence and conflict are also most at risk from the climate crisis. By listening to refugees displaced by the climate crisis, a UN initiative is trying to help create a bottom-up and sustainable solution to the climate crisis.
How illegal construction is shrinking Lebanon's coastline
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Private industry and illegal construction are destroying Lebanon's golden coastline. Pandering to Lebanon's tourism sector, developers have ignored legislation to encroach upon public space, forcing civil society to fight to keep the land free.
How climate change threatens MENA's solar energy revolution
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The Middle East and North Africa region has only just caught up to its solar energy potential. The abundance of sunlight has made the region a natural location for solar energy investment, but climate change is already threatening to blow the fuse.
How Israel's blockade of Gaza caused an environmental crisis
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Israel is responsible for Gaza's worsening environmental crisis. By limiting what is fished, what comes in and out of Gaza, and routinely bombing civilian and agricultural infrastructure, Israel has contributed to Gaza's barely liveable conditions.