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The New Arab Staff

Ruth Ingram


Book Club: Uyghur poet Tahir Hamut Izgil describes life under China's surveillance in Xinjiang, fearing arrest & longing for a life free from persecution.

20 March, 2024

Uyghur folklore reveres women as beacons of resistance against oppressors. As China continues its genocide, Uyghur women are ensuring to keep this trait alive.

04 January, 2024

The Chinese government has long employed tactics to monitor 'problem' citizens abroad. But as the Uyghur community is finding out, the CCP has now set up undercover police stations in foreign jurisdictions to further harass and surveil dissenters.

13 December, 2022

A war is raging online in Xinjiang. Chinese authorities have employed a network of influencers to engage in waves of disinformation, countering popular global pressure. Intricate if insidious, the CCP's policies are an affront to truth and freedom.

08 November, 2022

In their perilous journey toward safety, Afghan refugees have found themselves in Istanbul where they live in destitution. To help them reach Europe, a Turkish shopkeeper is stitching together a bargain survival pack for their long journey ahead.

08 September, 2022

Book Club: Uyghur-American attorney Nury Turkel's autobiography recounts, in graphic detail, the atrocities committed by the Chinese Communist Party against Uyghurs in Xinjiang, with his memoir an emotive plea to the world to recognise the genocide.

03 August, 2022

Book Club: Deprived of the familiarity of a homeland, Uyghurs have turned to poetry to summon lost dreams. This anthology is an essential resource on the Uyghur experience in exile.

13 July, 2022

Since fleeing China, Uyghurs in exile have been detached from their homeland and their families. The New Arab speaks with Uyghur women about their agitation, and feeling vindicated after recent exposés revealed the extent of past hardship.

16 June, 2022

More than a century of prejudice and killings have peppered the history of the Hazara in Afghanistan. Amid fears of ethnic cleansing, the UK Parliament launched a Hazara inquiry last month as the international community is urged to act now.

17 May, 2022

A new report published by the Uyghur Human Rights Project and the Oxus Society for Central Asian Affairs has exposed systemic collusion and complicity between numerous Arab governments and Beijing in forcibly returning Uyghurs back to China.

12 April, 2022