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Shams Al-Shakarchi


Shams Al-Shakarchi is a British-Iraqi journalist at The New Arab, with an interest in Iraq and women's rights.

From the gaudy, gold furnishings at Trump HQ to White House nepotism and cosy alliances with Arab autocrats - is Donald Trump going full dictator?

20 January, 2017

Israel and America denounced the deaths of four Israeli soldiers in a Jerusalem truck-ramming incident on Sunday as a 'terrorist attack'. They should look up the definition.

09 January, 2017

A story by right-wing website Breitbart claiming a Muslim mob torched a German church has faced a backlash from European media and politicians, as fake news threatens the pre-election climate.

07 January, 2017

Known as being highly-conservative, Saudi Arabia – the only country to ban women from driving – still has some way to achieve equal rights, but progress was made in 2016.

31 December, 2016

Christmas in Nazareth is becoming an increasingly popular destination for residents, tourists and pilgrims alike, but some fear the city is losing its Christian charm.

24 December, 2016

In-depth: While safe from the bombs of Mosul's frontlines, children who have fled the Islamic State group's 'caliphate' struggle with the trauma of what they have seen and suffered.

22 December, 2016

Seven-year-old Bana Alabed captured hearts when she started tweeting about the daily horrors in eastern Aleppo - but now her followers fear for her safety after her Twitter account disappeared.

05 December, 2016

Iraqi troops battling to liberate Mosul from Islamic State group need a bit of Dutch courage, a top Iraqi politician has said, and urged Baghdad authorities not to ban booze.

28 October, 2016

The Israeli Air Force tweeted a picture of a pink jet in a show of support during Breast Cancer Awareness Month – but it's time it looked closer to home.

27 October, 2016

How many more ways can we call for action? Humanitarian chief Stephen O'Brien's impassioned address to the UN Security Council on Syria should be his last.

27 October, 2016