
The international movement for Palestine liberation may not have the military might of Israel & its allies, but amidst attacks on Gaza it has growing solidarity & organised resistance to the occupying state’s war machine, writes James Schneider.
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Following Israel’s recent onslaught on Gaza, students & academics in Western campuses have faced increasing repression for their solidarity with Palestine. This is a symptom of Israel's fears that it is losing younger support, argues Daniel Lindley.
Islamophobia has increased in The Netherlands since 7 October, and far-right Geert Wilders' recent election victory is a deeply worrying sign. Rahma Bavelaar & Ibtissam Abaâziz explain how politicians defending Israel contribute to a rise in hate.
On the 80th anniversary of Lebanon’s independence, Paris must end its foreign policy of cultivating Lebanese political factionalism, argues Leonora Monson.
Who can reasonably believe that combatting Hamas’ violence can be achieved by the same means as those employed by the international coalition against the Islamic State Organisation (ISIS)? questions Laurent Bonnefoy.
By constantly keeping the memory of the Holocaust alive, Israel has strategically used the past as a tactic to keep Germany locked into a state of eternal debt, which it cannot pay off, explains Victoria Schneider.
Statement: In light of the upcoming UN Climate Change Conference (COP28) in Dubai, a collective of environmental organisations & climate justice professionals call for support of Palestinian rights in the face of Israel's ongoing massacre in Gaza.
As Israel’s war on Gaza rages on, Western powers aiding & abetting the atrocities committed reinforces how expendable Palestinian and Arab lives are. Nabila Ramdani explains how the killing of Palestinians is "justified" by Israel for its defence.
In its coverage of Gaza, Western media has pushed a distorted narrative, spread disinformation, and parroted propaganda that has helped to manufacture consent for Israel's violence against Palestinians, writes Salim Nuqul.
From brutal attacks on Palestinians in Israeli universities, to government silencing of solidarity in the UK and academics losing jobs in US institutions, there's a global targeting of those who speak up on Israel’s crimes, writes Rebecca Ruth Gould.